The Origin of Labor Day and Ceremonial Ribbons Decorations

The origin of Labor Day and ceremonial ribbons decorations are holiday traditions dedicated to honoring the contributions of workers and the labor force. Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday of September in the United States, can be traced back to the late 19th century, a time of industrial revolution and the rise of labor unions. The holiday was created in response to the growing labor movement, which sought to improve working conditions, wages, and hours for American workers., the best one-stop online shop for groundbreaking shovels, grand opening ribbons, giant ribbon-cutting scissors, event carpets, stanchions and rope, military medal displays, plaquescorporate branded clothing and many more items and accessories for ceremonial celebrations with choice of custom-branding, or pre-printed products, invites you to explore the origins of the Labor Day holiday and its traditional festivities!

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The first Labor Day celebration took place on September 5, 1882, in New York City, organized by the Central Labor Union. The idea for a holiday to honor workers is credited to either Peter J. McGuire, a co-founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), or Matthew Maguire, a machinist and secretary of the Central Labor Union. There is some debate over who exactly proposed the idea, but both men played significant roles in its establishment.

In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day an official public holiday. The movement to recognize Labor Day grew, and by 1894, Congress passed an act making it a national holiday. This was partly in response to the Pullman Strike, a nationwide railroad strike that highlighted the plight of workers and led to significant labor unrest. President Grover Cleveland signed the bill into law, and Labor Day became a national holiday, dedicated to celebrating the economic and social achievements of American workers.

red carpet

Traditional Labor Day Celebrations

Labor Day is celebrated across the United States with various traditions that reflect the holiday's significance as a tribute to workers and the end of summer. Here are five of the most traditional Labor Day celebrations:


Parades are one of the most common ways to celebrate Labor Day. These parades often feature labor unions, marching bands, floats, and community organizations. The parades are adorned with Labor Day ceremonial ribbons, patriotic banners, and floats decorated in red, white, and blue.

Picnics and Barbecues

Labor Day picnics and barbecues are a quintessential part of the holiday, bringing families and communities together to enjoy the last days of summer. Decorations for these events typically include Labor Day ceremonial ribbons and Labor Day patriotic ribbons used to decorate picnic tables, tents, and seating areas. offers extra-wide ribbons in red, white, and blue, that make perfect table runner decorations. These ribbons are available in widths of 8", 10", and 12" and in lengths of 12 or 25 yards providing ample table decoration.

extra wide ribbon 


In many cities, Labor Day is marked by grand fireworks displays. The sky is lit up with vibrant colors, celebrating both the holiday and the unofficial end of summer. Fireworks shows often incorporate Labor Day ceremonial ribbons in the setup and presentation areas, adding a festive touch.

Music Festivals

Labor Day weekend is a popular time for music festivals, often featuring performances that range from local bands to famous artists. These events are decorated with Labor Day patriotic ribbons, event carpets, and balloons to create an inviting and celebratory atmosphere.

Sporting Events

Labor Day weekend is synonymous with sports, particularly football and baseball. Stadiums and arenas are often decked out in Labor Day ceremonial ribbons, with Labor Day custom-branded ribbons used to enhance the visibility of team logos and sponsors. 

personalized grand opening ribbon

Decorations and Colors for Labor Day Celebrations

Labor Day is typically associated with patriotic colors: red, white, and blue. These colors symbolize the American flag and are used extensively in decorations for the holiday. Labor Day ceremonial ribbons, Labor Day patriotic ribbons, and Labor Day custom-branded ribbons are often seen adorning parade floats, picnic areas, and event spaces.

Labor Day Ceremonial Ribbons are often used to symbolize unity and solidarity among workers. These ribbons can be draped across stages, tied to posts, or used as decorative elements on floats and banners. Labor Day Patriotic Ribbons are crucial for adding a sense of national pride to the festivities, often used to create bows, streamers, and other decorative accents. Labor Day Custom-Branded Ribbons are particularly effective for businesses, organizations, and sponsors who wish to enhance their presence at Labor Day events. These ribbons can feature logos, slogans, or messages that align with the spirit of the holiday.

Labor Day Custom-Branded Ribbons are often used on stage backdrops, entryways, and booths, helping to create a cohesive and visually appealing environment that resonates with the holiday’s theme. In addition to ribbons, patriotic buntings, event carpets, and balloons are widely used to create a festive atmosphere. Labor Day Ceremonial Ribbons are often paired with event carpets that lead to stages or focal points, creating a grand entrance for participants and speakers. Balloons in red, white, and blue are typically arranged in arches or clusters, adding a playful and celebratory element to the decor.

giant red bow

The use of Labor Day Ceremonial Ribbons, Labor Day Patriotic Ribbons, and Labor Day Custom-Branded Ribbons plays a central role in enhancing the visual appeal and thematic consistency of Labor Day celebrations across the United States. These decorative elements not only add to the festive atmosphere but also help to honor the labor movement's legacy in a meaningful way. Shop, for all your Labor Day ribbons and custom-branded accessories. Click here for a quote.