July 4th Decorations In Pennsylvania Area A Big Deal!

Pennsylvania event planners: This 4th of July get your patriotic ribbons at CeremonialSupplies.com and deck the halls with bows of red, white, and blue! Pennsylvania was a colony founded by William Penn in 1681 with a grant of £16,000 the equivalent as of 2008 of approximately £2,100,000 (adjusting for retail inflation) or two billion, one hundred million British Pounds, which Penn's father, Sir William Penn, an admiral in the English navy, had lent Charles II, King of England. Pennsylvania was named in honor of William Penn. Pennsylvania was established as a place where people could practice freedom of religion. The colony was important in the American Revolution and has been called the "State of Independence" referring to its historical importance in the fight for Independence. It's no wonder that July 4th decorations and celebrations in Pennsylvania are a big deal, especially for community parades, firework displays, and traditional corporate 4th of July picnics. Decorating a 4th of July picnic is easy, and shopping for your redwhite, and blue ribbons, flagsmilitary lapel pins and other military and patriotic decoration items at CeremonialSupplies.com makes it fun!

 patriotic ribbons

Pennsylvania's July 4th festivities are held all over the state from the northwest corner of Erie, to Point Marion, Harrisburg, Susquehanna, down to the southeast city of love; Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence was made. Celebrate your 4th of July company picnic in an epic way and shop CerenomialSupplies.com, the best online store for decorative ribbons, patriotic ribbons, red, white, and blue ribbons in a variety of sizes from 2.25" to 12" and celebrate America's birthday in Philly! For starters, Philadelphia celebrates an entire week of Independence. Need decorative inspiration? Visit some of the museums during the full week of celebrations! Visit Christ Church in the old city neighborhood of Philadelphia and visit the pews where George Washington and Benjamin Franklin sat; or check out the rare books and documents housed on the third floor of the Free Library of Philadelphia; enjoy an ice cream delight during the Philly Ice Cream Scoop, the largest ice cream festival in the country, at the Reading Terminal market; or take part in the special programming of the Museum of the American Revolution. After, you'll be ready to stream red, white, and blue ribbons, banners, and buntings, and decorate with our patriotic products, from flags to awards, and medals!


You'll find the solid red, white, and blue silk ribbons to be the most versatile decorative ribbons. The basic colors are perfect for the formation of any design. For a corporate event, it's best to set up in a park or other outdoor venue that offers canopy huts. This way rain or shine, you're covered. The best way to decorate a canopy is to attach 12 medium size (4" or 6") solid color ribbons, in this case, red, white, and blue ribbons or streamers from the center of the canopy, flowing in a downward curve out toward the sides, and gathering them on each corner of the canopy allowing them to drape down from the corners. Make the table dressing easy on yourself. Use extra large ribbons (6" - 10") of one or two solid colors, again, for this occasion we'll continue with red, white, and blue as table runners. A white table cover will work with red and blue ribbons, a red table cover will work with blue and white ribbons, and a blue table cover will work with white and red ribbons. Liven the tables with touches of Spring flowers. The simpler the more elegant. Think about either displaying them tied in a bunch, in a glass mason jar, or in 12" tall aluminum or metal jug. To embellish the flower arrangements, use patriotic patterns such as red and white striped ribbons and navy blue background and white stars ribbons. Our selection of patriotic ribbons are available in 4" width and 10 yards length, and there's a good reason for this. Party decorations have become more stylish as manufacturing methods improve with technology. Chair covers, which weren't much of a factor a few years ago, are now an indispensable decoration item to embellish your standard folding chairs. If you want to take your July 4th decoration to the next level, think of using simple chair covers in a solid color of red, white, or blue, and wrap a patterned patriotic ribbon striped red and white or star spangled banner around the top of the chair, placing a giant ceremonial spark bow on the back side. For a reversal of theme, you can use the patterned ribbons for ceiling streamers or table runners, and the solid color ribbons for decorating the chairs. Either way you'll have a winning combination.

If there's a place for a band stand, such as a gazebo, the outside can be decorated with the traditional red, white, and blue fan bunting. A fan bunting is a piece of fabric pleated like a fan in a semi-circular shape. The great thing about patriotic fan buntings is that you can re-use as long as you store them with the folded pleats in place. Americans love decorating our homes with patriotic pleated fan buntings. They can be easily hung from porch railings, and patriotic fan buntings in red, white, and blue around the town's gazebo with a band playing John Philip Sousa's marches is the ultimate in a 4th of July celebration! With the decorative ribbons available at CeremonialSupplies.com you can create a memorable celebration this Independence Day, or on any other patriotic holiday such as Veteran's Day and Memorial Day, and the suggestions here can be applied to other ribbon colors and themes for any occasion where you can liberate your creative freedom!

US commemorative plaque

Shop CeremonialSupplies.com for the best ribbon selections available in different widths for the perfect decor, and we can customize too! A personalized ribbon with a commemorative date or message makes a souvenir of the event just by itself. Thinking of 4th of July decorations, a customized table runner using a personalized ribbon becomes a keepsake for guests. With this dual use, we too can do our part in maintaining America beautiful! Wherever you are in the proud and grand Commonwealth State of Pennsylvania, get your Independence Day decorations at CeremonialSupplies.com for the highest quality ribbons and products, at affordable and friendly prices. We ship everywhere in the world. Click here for a shipping quote.