Grand Opening of the First Catholic Church in El Paso, Texas

With Grand Opening events entrenched in the culture of our society, it’s interesting to look back in history and imagine what the grand opening of historical landmarks may have been like years ago. One example would be the Grand Opening of the First Catholic Church in El Paso, Texas, which actually does exist, and its grand opening was a historical event. Here's what we at would have taken into consideration in a hypothetical checklist of supplies for the Grand Opening of the First Catholic Church in El Paso, Texas, and key components that might have been needed for such an occasion:

red ribbon with gold custom printed logo

It’s not too difficult to imagine what sort of Grand Opening supplies would have been needed for the proper opening of a religious center such as The First Catholic Church in El Paso Texas, which is associated with the establishment of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. The church's history is intertwined with the growth of the Catholic community in the region going back to the first Catholic mission established by Spain, Italy, and Germany going back to the Sixteenth century.

extra wide blue ribbon

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church is one of the oldest parishes in El Paso and holds historical significance. The church's foundation can be traced back to the late 1800s. The original chapel was a small adobe structure built in the late 1880s, and it was later replaced by a larger church building. Whilst common supplies such as grand opening ribbons, scissor, signs, and other decorative items are a staple of today’s standard grand opening events, back in the 18th century, the selection of decorative supplies used in grand opening events were much more strictly associated with the kind of building or company/brand being introduced in a community. In our hypothetical grand opening, these are for example the kind of tools and supplies that would have been needed.

yellow grand opening ribbon

Religious Artifacts:

The religious artifacts that would have been used for the Grand Opening of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in En Paso, Texas, would have included the following:

Crucifix: A prominent crucifix for the altar.

Statues of saints: Representations of important saints in the Catholic tradition.

Chalices and patens: Sacred vessels for the celebration of the Eucharist.

Candles: Liturgical candles to create a reverent atmosphere.

red ribbon spool

Liturgical Vestments:

Today this section would be classified, at least by, the best one-stop shop on the web for groundbreaking and grand opening items and products, as corporate wearables. Customized corporate clothing, much like the Chasubles, albs, and stoles: Liturgical garments for priests and clergy, would be more along the lines of embroidered Oxford shirts, customized embroidered polos and tee shirts, and construction safety vests and hard hats.

Mitres and crosiers: Ceremonial headgear and staff for bishops.

yellow hard hat with logo


Altar: A central focal point for religious ceremonies.

Pews or seating arrangements: Comfortable seating for the congregation.

Lectern or pulpit: A stand for reading religious texts or delivering sermons.

Tabernacle: A secure and sacred space for storing the Eucharist.

black rectangular tablecloth with logo


Decorating the grand opening event of a religious center such as the historical Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, in El Paso, Texas would have likely included the following items. Many which are still considered key elements of a grand opening in modern days. These include:

Flowers: Floral arrangements to enhance the aesthetics of the church.

Banners and tapestries: Decorative elements displaying religious symbols or themes. These include a focal point grand opening ribbon, extra-wide and large to be featured across the main entrance doors. Grand opening banners and tapestries, or customized tablecloth for the altar or other key locations of the church, will provide a visually appealing and uniform look in any type of grand opening, whether it is a historical event, or a historical event exclusive to your family and community.

Sacramental Items:

Holy water font: A vessel for holy water near the entrance.

Baptismal font: If the church includes a place for baptisms.

Musical Instruments:

Organ or piano: Musical accompaniment for hymns and religious songs.

Choir robes: Attire for the church choir.

long sleeveblue Oxford shirt

Communication Tools:

Programs or pamphlets: Informational materials for attendees.

Signage: Directional signs and banners to guide visitors. At we carry a selection of banner styles for grand opening in addition to the use of extra-wide ribbon in sizes of 10” and 12” which can be used vertically to line the inner walls of the religious building.

grand opening banner

Ceremonial Items:

Incense and thurible: Used in certain liturgical ceremonies.

Bells: For ringing during significant moments in the ceremony.

giant color bows

Security Measures:

Increased security measures and security personnel are, sadly, products of our present violent society riddled with heavily medicated individuals exarcebated by a growing trend of children without family security.  In recent years the number of shooters acting out their frustration of religious centers, has happened more than we would like to admit. It is for this reason that security measures and very important for any event, but especially those that salute religious practices. Include room in your event for Security personnel to ensure the safety and orderliness of the event, and take a look at selection of stanchions and crowd posts, with accompanying rope. The crowd posts can be used to guide the guests and attendees exactly the way you wish to see the flow movement of the guests.

stanchions and red rope


Catering services: If there's a reception or gathering after the opening ceremony, be sure to include refreshments and finger foods or formal dishes, depending on the goals of your grand opening ceremony.

personalized printed mat red


Photographers and videographers: To capture the historic moment – especially if you want to maintain a record of the event.

Guestbook: For attendees to sign and leave their well-wishes.

real wood triangle military flag display

Publicity and Outreach:

Press releases or invitations: To inform the community and media about the grand opening.

This checklist is entirely hypothetical and based on historical practices associated with the grand opening of religious institutions. Although this is a fairly accurate checklist, the actual requirements would depend on the specific traditions and practices of the Catholic Church at that time and location. Next time you are in El Paso, Texas, make it a point to visit the historical Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, which has been serving the community of El Paso since the 19th century, and checkout for any and all your grand opening ribbons, giant ceremonial scissors, customized wearables like embroidered Oxford shirts, printed carpet with logo, and many more! Click here for a quote.