Everything Can Be Custom Printed With Your Logo

Event carpets, ribbons, and just about everything can be custom printed with your logo, and the color green is popping up everywhere – from weddings to conferences and conventions. The color green is often associated with nature, growth, and vitality, and it is a popular choice for carpets, ribbons, and stanchions and rope, for several reasons. Firstly, green is a calming and soothing color that can help create a relaxing environment. This makes it an excellent choice for carpets, as we at CeremonialSupplies.com have learned, because it can help create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in a room, when your overall décor demands it. Secondly, green is a versatile color that can complement a wide range of other colors. This makes it an ideal choice for ribbons, where it can be paired with other colors to create an attractive and eye-catching display. Finally, green is often used for event carpets, (looking lovely paired with stanchions and rope) because it is a highly visible color that can help direct people and create clear pathways, since most of us associate “green” means “go”. This is particularly important in busy public spaces, where safety and crowd control are a priority. Overall, the color green is a popular choice for carpets, ribbons, and stanchions and rope because of its calming and versatile properties, as well as its high visibility and association with nature. This is why CeremonialSupplies.com has searched high and wide to bring to party planners and event organizers everywhere the most complete compilation of green themed ceremonial products, from green color blade groundbreaking shovels, to green event carpets, green opening ribbon, giant green ribbon-cutting scissors, spandex green chair covers, green conference tablecloth, and green corporate logo oxford shirts

CeremonialSupplies.com is the best one-stop online retailer for corporate event organizers when time is of the essence. Our top of the line products and wallet-friendly prices can only be beat by our knowledgeable and helpful customer service staff. Following the rising popularity of the color green – a great way to incorporate a fresh and natural look to any event, by the way, here are some ideas on how you can use green carpet runners, silver stanchions with green velvet ropes, green ribbons, green tablecloths, green chair covers and more! All customizable with your company logo or brand name to create a cohesive and stylish décor that will not be forgotten:

Enchanted Forest Party:

Create a magical and mystical atmosphere by transforming your venue into an enchanted forest. Use green carpet runners to line the walkways and polished chrome stanchions with green velvet ropes to create a pathway leading to the main event space. Decorate the space with green ribbons draped over the tables, or create a canopy effect with 4” wide green ribbons that allow light to filter through, add green balloons scattered around the room.

St. Patrick's Day or Irish Themed Party:

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day in style by using green carpet runners to line the entrance to your venue. Use green event carpet with chrome stanchions, ropes with matching color posts to guide guests to the main event space. Decorate the space with green balloons, green streamers, and green ribbons tied to chairs and tables. For Irish-themed party, use the green carpet runner and stanchion ropes to create a festive entranceway. Decorate the area with shamrock decorations, green streamers, and Irish flags. Use green ribbons to tie around party favors or to create a green ribbon backdrop for a photo booth.

Garden Party:

Bring the outdoors inside by creating a garden-themed party. Use green carpet runners to create pathways leading to different areas of the event space. Use silver stanchions and green velvet ropes with matching color bows to create sections for seating areas or food stations. Decorate the space with potted plants and flowers in shades of green, and use green ribbons to tie around vases and table settings. Green balloons can be scattered around the party area, or used to create balloon arches or bouquets.

Jungle Party:

For a jungle or tropical-themed party, use the green carpet runner and chrome stanchions and green velvet ropes to create a jungle path leading to the party area. Decorate the area with greenery, such as palm fronds and ferns, and use green ribbons to create a tropical-themed centerpiece, or create table runners with green extra-wide ribbons anywhere from 6” to 12” wide as necessary, drape or hang extra-wide forest green ribbon with light shades of green to simulate large foliage. Green balloons can be used to create balloon animals or to hang from the ceiling to create a jungle canopy effect.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity and imagination, you can use green carpet runners, green tablecloths, green chair covers, green stanchion ropes, green ribbons, and green balloons to create a festive and visually stunning party décor when you want to recreate a simulation of nature for any corporate event theme. Shop CeremonialSupplies.com and our wide range of customizable and logo printed green-themed products, and any other color you are searching for! Click here for a quote.