Decorating a Christmas Party Using Only Ceremonial Ribbons

Decorating a Christmas party using only ceremonial ribbons is easier than you think, especially if you start out with ribbons from, the best online vendor for all products ceremonial! offers a wide color palette of silky, strong, and easily manageable ceremonial ribbons in width that range from 1.5” up to 12” (1 ft) and up to 25 yards, to help you decorate a Christmas party creating a whimsical and festive touch! Here are some creative ideas for using ribbons to decorate:

Gift Wrap Accents:

Use ribbons as part of your gift wrapping for presents under the Christmas tree. Mix and match different colors and textures to create a cohesive look.

Small width green ribbon spool

Ribbon Garland:

Create a festive garland by stringing together different lengths of ceremonial ribbons in widths of 2.5, or 4 inches respectively, Intertwined, and Hang the garland across doorways, windows, or along the edge of tables for a colorful touch.

Ribbon Bows:

Tie large bows using ribbons using different width ribbons in 4", 6", and 8" or 10" extra-wide ribbons, and place them strategically around the party space. You can attach them to chairs, hang them on walls, or even use them as centerpieces.

burgundy ribbon

Chair Decor:

Using first a chair cover, Wrap ribbons around the backs of the "dressed" chairs, creating a colorful and festive touch. You can tie bows or simply let the ribbons cascade down for an elegant look.

Table Runner:

Lay Extra-wide ribbons of 8", 10", or 12" (Ft.) across the length of your tables as table runners. These can be custom printed with a message appropriate for your gathering or Christmas party. Mix and match colors of the season like red, or green, and layer with sparkling gold, or sparkling silver ribbons, or use a single color for a more cohesive look.

custom printed tablecloth

Hanging Ribbon Strips:

Shop, the best one-stop shop on the net for ceremonial grand opening ribbons of all colors and sizes, pre-printed "Grand Opening" standard ribbons, and custom printed ceremonial ribbons. Use these to create ribbons of different widths and varying lengths and hang them from the ceiling for a whimsical effect. This can create a dynamic and visually interesting atmosphere.

Ribbon Wreaths:

Create wreaths of different sizes, from small wreaths to decorate a tree, to large wreaths to decorate doors or doorways. You can use a wire or foam base and weave the ribbons and garlands through for a textured look.

yellow gold color ceremonial ribbon

Ribbon Chandelier:

Hang ribbons from a chandelier, or create a makeshift chandelier using a hoop and ribbons. This can serve as a stunning focal point in the room. Depending on the size of the room you can arrange a medium size hoop with up to 6 or 8 ribbons of 4" and 6" combined and designed like a canopy outward, or over a specific area.

Candle Decor:

Wrap ribbons around the base of candles for a simple yet effective decoration. Be cautious with open flames and ensure the ribbons are a safe distance from the flame.

Ribbon Accents on Tableware:

Tie ribbons around napkin rings, cutlery sets, or even wine glasses. It's a small detail that can enhance the overall table setting.

unity candle with lace

Ribbon Ornaments:

Create ribbon ornaments by tying bows or creating ribbon loops. Hang these on the Christmas tree or use them as additional decorations throughout the space. Remember to consider your color scheme and the overall theme of the party when selecting ribbons. Mixing different widths and textures can add depth and visual interest to your decorations. Shop for all your ribbon decorations, grand opening events, groundbreaking ceremonies, corporate functions and enjoy an all-in-one shopping experience. Click here for a quote.