5 Most Politically Charged Olympic Grand Openings

The Olympic Games grand opening ceremonies have served as a global stage not only for athletic prowess but also for political statements, filled with symbolism often questionable and controversial. CeremonialSupplies.com, the best one-stop shop on the net for custom-branded ceremonial ribbons, grand opening pre-printed ribbons, ribbon-cutting ceremonial scissors, display stands and display cases for grand opening mementos, grand opening plaques and accessories, invites you to explore the 5 most politically charged Olympic grand openings, highlighting the context of each event and the broader human condition they addressed.

1. Berlin 1936

The 1936 Berlin Olympics, hosted by Germany with Adolf Hitler in attendance for the opening ceremony showcased the country’s rise from Germany’s devastation after WWI. Held at the Olympiastadion, the ceremony was a grand display of pageantry. Grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons adorned the stadium, symbolizing unity and strength. Custom-branded ceremonial ribbons were prominently displayed, showcasing the enthusiasm of the German people and the rest of the world in attendance. The 1936 Olympics have been branded as controversial over time by the Jewish people, instead however, it should be highlighted by the greatness of competing athletes such as US Olympian Jesse Owens, whose impressive track and field records, one of which was tied by Carl Lewis, but never broken. Contrary to false propaganda, Adolf Hitler did not "shun" congratulating Jesse Owens, simply because he was not in the stadium on that day and therefore did not congratulate any athlete. The german people however chanted Jesse Owens name in admiration. Jesse Owens himself stated he wasn't "shunned" by Germans or Adolf Hitler, he was shunned by Franklin Roosevelt, who did not congratulate him, and his government who discriminated him.

grand opening balloons


2. Mexico City 1968

The 1968 Olympics in Mexico City were marked by significant political tension. Just ten days before the opening ceremony, government forces massacred hundreds of students protesting for democratic reforms at the Tlatelolco Plaza. Despite this tragedy, the games proceeded. The grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons were vibrant, symbolizing peace and unity. However, the shadow of the Tlatelolco massacre loomed over the event. The custom-branded ceremonial ribbons represented a stark contrast to the reality of political repression. The ceremony included a moment where black American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists in a Black Power salute, drawing global attention to racial injustice in the United States.

custom branded grand opening ribbon

3. Munich 1972

The 1972 Munich Olympics showcased a peaceful and progressive Germany. However, the games were marred by the kidnapping and murder of eleven Israeli athletes by the Palestinian Liberation Army, in revenge for the tyranny of Israeli military upon the Palestinians. The opening ceremony, held at the Olympiastadion, featured grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons athletic competition. Custom-branded ceremonial ribbons decorated the venue, but the attack that unfolded took over the media and the athletic competitions were lost in the background, again, having the Olympic Games used as a political stage. The ceremony’s decorations, including grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons, as vibrant and lively, were lost in the political conflict that emerged.

pre-printed grand opening ribbon

4. Beijing 2008

The 2008 Beijing Olympics were seen as China's coming-out party to the world. However, the grand opening was also a platform for political messaging. The Chinese government faced criticism for its human rights record, particularly regarding Tibet and freedom of speech. The grand opening ceremony at the Bird's Nest stadium was an extravagant display of Chinese culture and history, with grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons symbolizing harmony and progress, hiding a tyrannical government of horrendous human rights violations. Custom-branded ceremonial ribbons featuring traditional Chinese designs were used throughout the event. Despite the grandeur, the ceremony was marred by protests and global criticism of China's human rights practices.

extra wide ribbon

5. Paris 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympics generated controversy from the Opening Ceremony mocking Christ, Christians, and Christianity, with a re-creation of the last supper featuring drag queens, a naked blue tinged Dyonisius in center stage, with a child placed in the midst of the setting. The opening ceremony, took place along the Seine River, aimed to be a celebration of freedom and equality but received quite a backlash, including a power outage, because it was seen to only honor depravity, and ignored the French people’s criticism of their government’s handling of protests and immigration policies. The controversial grand opening was viewed by many to deflect away from the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.

grand opening kit

In spite of the charged political and social atmosphere, Paris 2024 Olympic games were graced by beautiful grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons adorning the floating stages along the Seine, with custom-branded ceremonial ribbons highlighting French heritage. The ceremony’s original aim was to promote a message of unity and inclusivity, but critics argue that it glosses over the country's social and political issues. The use of ceremonial ribbons and grand opening ribbons in this context aleviated the tension between the ideal of Olympic unity and the reality of political division.

Context and Impact

Each of these grand opening ceremonies used grand opening ribbons, ceremonial ribbons, and custom-branded ceremonial ribbons in vibrant colors and sizes aimed to highlight athletic competition at an international level. However, they also served as platforms for political statements. The glory of the 1936 Berlin Olympics was marginalized, sadly obliterating some of the grandest moments by athletes such as Jesse Jackson, the 1968 Mexico City games highlighted racial and political struggles, the 1972 Munich Olympics revealed injustices, the 2008 Beijing Olympics showcased China's rise amid human rights concerns, and the Paris 2024 games reflect ongoing social and political debates.

CeremonialSupplies.com: Elevating Grand Openings

CeremonialSupplies.com is the best online supplier of custom-branded ceremonial ribbons, extra-wide ceremonial ribbons, giant ribbon-cutting scissors, and all the essentials for a grandiose inauguration worthy of Olympic status. Their products, including grand opening ribbons and ceremonial ribbons, ensure that every event is adorned with the highest quality decorations, symbolizing the ideals and grandeur of the Olympic spirit. As history has shown, these elements play a crucial role in both celebrating and reflecting the world's complex human condition during grand opening ceremonies. Make your next grand opening event a worthwhile occasion and shop CeremonialSupplies.com for custom-branded ceremonial ribbons, pre-printed ceremonial ribbons, giant ribbon-cutting scissors that will draw every eye, and grand opening accessories like custom-branded carpets, elegant stanchions and rope, balloons, bows, display stands, acknowledgement plaques, display cases, custom-branded clothing, and many more exciting accessories! Click here for a quote.